Common Misunderstandings About Dental Sedation

For individuals that struggle with anxiety associated with dental treatment, sedation dentistry in Deerwood can be highly beneficial. However, many individuals that could benefit from sedation dentistry never seek the treatment due to quite a few misunderstandings. Take a look at the most prevailing myths associated with dental sedation, along with the facts every prospective patient should know.

Dental sedation is not only for children.

While providing laughing gas (nitrous oxide inhalation) to children is the most common, people of all ages may be good candidates for some level of sedation. Sedating children is common because children often have a more difficult time of getting upset during treatment, which can impede treatment processes. However, sedation for adults is just as safe and possible as it is for children.

Dental sedation is suitable for most patients.

Contrary to popular myth, sedation dentistry is a suitable option for most patients. There are multiple methods and medications that can be used for sedating a patient before dental treatment begins. Therefore, even if a patient is not the best candidate for one type of sedation, they can be a good candidate for another type. For example, every patient may not be a good candidate for nitrous oxide inhalation, but those patients may be fine for oral or IV sedation.

Dental sedation is sometimes covered by insurance.

Sedation dentistry is sometimes deemed medically necessary, but it is often thought of as an unnecessary addition to dental care. For example, if you are having a relatively lengthy procedure or several teeth repaired at one time, a dentist may prefer to offer some type of sedation to keep you comfortable. In these cases, your dental insurance may cover some of the costs of sedation during dental treatment.

Talk to a Deerwood, MN Dentist About Dental Sedation

With low risks, few side effects, and so many advantages, sedation during dental treatment has grown to be commonplace in modern dental care. If you are looking for a dentist in Deerwood, MN that offers sedation dentistry, be sure to reach out to River Oaks Dental. We offer three levels of sedation dentistry and will be happy to discuss which method would work best for you as our patient.


Is Sedation Dentistry Right for You?

Research indicates that dental anxiety or fear of the dentist is an incredibly prevalent issue. As much as 36 percent of the population experience fear of dental treatment, and up to 12 percent have what could be called “extreme” dental phobia. Sedation dentistry in Aitkin, MN allows people who do have anxiety about dental treatments to get the care they need. Is this treatment right for you as a patient? Here is a closer look.

A Look at the Different Types of Sedation Used in Dental Treatment

Inhalation Sedation

Inhalation sedation involves using nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to induce a calm state. The gas is simply inhaled through the nose and mouth, or just the nose, which helps you relax. The effects settle in quickly, but also wear off quickly.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation involves taking a mild sedative medication by mouth just before your dental appointment. This medication will calm your nerves and may make you feel a little drowsy, which can make it easier to undergo treatments that normally make you feel uneasy.

IV Sedation

IV sedation involves delivering sedating medication through an IV to help keep you calm throughout your procedure. Instead of being fully asleep, you may still be alert enough to communicate. However, you will be in an especially deep state of relaxation.

Who is a good candidate for sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a good solution for most patients. Because different options exist, most patients will be good candidates for at least one option. For example, children or younger patients do well with nitrous oxide, while senior patients may be more content with basic oral sedation. Patients with severe anxiety and no major underlying health conditions may be better candidates for IV sedation.

Before deciding on any particular route of sedation, the dentist will discuss several aspects of your health, such as allergies, medical history, and current medications. This is done to ensure the treatment is as safe as possible before making a final decision.

Find Out About Sedation Dentistry in Aitkin, MN

For those who face anxiety about dental treatment, sedation dentistry offers a straightforward, stress-free path to tending to their oral health. If you are looking for a dentist in Aitkin, MN that offers sedation dentistry, reach out to us at River Oaks Dental to schedule an appointment.