Treating Emergency Toothache Before Dentist Visit

Like most emergencies, toothaches always happen after business hours, on holidays, and on weekends. There’s no such thing as a “convenient” time to get a toothache. You may often have to treat an emergency toothache at home before you can see the dentist. At River Oaks Dental, your dentist in Deerwood, MN, and Aitkin, MN, we strive to accommodate emergency dental needs as much as possible. Please call us when you have any dental needs, including emergency toothaches. In the meantime, here are some tips to help before your dental visit.

Take Over-the-Counter Painkillers

If your primary care physician has okayed it, you can take an over-the-counter painkiller. Avoid aspirin since it can make bleeding worse, but ibuprofen and acetaminophen are good alternatives. Make sure you follow the recommended dosage instructions on the label.

Use a Warm Saltwater Rinse

A rinse with warm saltwater can cleanse the affected area and provide pain relief. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and gently swish it around your mouth, then spit it out.

Use a Warm or Cold Compress

Experiment with a heating pad or a cold washcloth pressed against the outside cheek where the toothache is. One or the other will likely reduce the pain.

Elevate the Head

Lie down with your head elevated above your heart. This will minimize blood flow to the area, and help keep blood pressure manageable. Higher blood pressure tends to increase the pain, so this elevation tip is very helpful for pain reduction.

Avoid Eating and Drinking Certain Things

Until you can see the dentist, avoid eating and drinking excessively hot or cold foods. Also, avoid chewing on the side of the toothache. Foods like Jello-o, tapioca, rice pudding, fruit smoothies (at room temperature), and temperate soups are all good options that are less likely to exacerbate the pain.

Rinse the Mouth

Be sure to continue with your oral hygiene. Rinse the mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash in the morning and before bedtime. Keeping the area clean is important, especially if a cavity is the reason for the toothache.

River Oaks Dental has offices in Deerwood, MN, and Aitkin, MN. We serve residents in these locations and surrounding areas. If you have a toothache emergency or other dental need, contact your Aitkin and Deerwood, MN dentist today to book an appointment!

What to Do When Your Permanent Tooth is Knocked Out

When a permanent tooth is knocked out of your mouth, it can be scary and painful. Taking fast action can help save your tooth. If you can get to the dentist fast enough, with a well-preserved tooth, your dentist dentist in Aitkin and Deerwood MN may be able to help. At River Oaks Dental, we’re committed to helping our patients take care of their teeth. Here’s what you should know.

Save the Tooth and Clean It

The first thing you should do when a permanent tooth is knocked out of your mouth is to find the tooth and clean it off. Pick up the tooth by the crown – the part that is visible above the gum line. Rinse off the tooth in your own saliva, in milk, or in sterile saline solution. Don’t touch the roots of the tooth.

Put the Tooth Somewhere Safe

The safest place to put your tooth – believe it or not – is back in your mouth. If you can, put the tooth back in the hole the tooth came out of, roots first. Then, clamp your jaw shut and hold the tooth in place.

If you aren’t comfortable putting your tooth back in the hole in your mouth, put the tooth in your cheek and hold it there, keeping your jaw shut. If you aren’t comfortable doing either of these things, you can put the tooth in a sterile saline solution, in milk, or in a cup of your own saliva. Transport the tooth to the dentist as soon as possible. Call the dentist on the way in to let them know that you’re coming, and it’s an emergency.

Go to the Dentist

If your dentist is unable to successfully reattach the tooth, you may be a good candidate for dental implants in Aitkin and Deerwood, MN. Either way, the team at River Oaks Dental can help. If you’re in the midst of a dental emergency, call us to let us know that you’ll be in as soon as possible. We want to give your tooth the best chance for survival.

How Do I Know if I have a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency can be a sudden and painful experience that requires immediate attention. These situations can include severe tooth pain, a broken or chipped tooth, or a lost filling or crown. Knowing the signs of a dental emergency is vital to seek prompt treatment and minimizing potential damage.

The skilled team at River Oaks Dental of Deerwood, MN, is proud to offer their services to the local community so that you can have the peace of mind and confidence to deal with all emergencies.

What is a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is any situation that requires immediate attention from a dental professional to address pain or potential damage to the teeth and gums. Examples of dental emergencies include severe tooth pain, broken or chipped teeth, lost fillings or crowns, and other related issues.

Three Signs You Have a Dental Emergency

Extreme Pain

Sudden and intense tooth pain can be a sign of a dental emergency. This pain may be caused by a cavity, abscess, or other dental issues that require prompt attention.

Excessive Blood or Bodily Fluid

If you are experiencing excessive bleeding or fluid from the mouth, this may be a sign of a dental emergency. This can indicate a broken or damaged tooth or other related issues that must be addressed.

Foreign Object

If a foreign object becomes lodged between the teeth or in the gum line, it may require prompt attention from a dental professional to prevent damage to the teeth or gums. This is particularly important for younger children, adolescents, or those who are more vulnerable as it may create a choking hazard – both from the object itself or tooth fragments.

Your Local Emergency Dental Care Professional

If you suspect that you may have a dental emergency, it’s essential to seek prompt attention from a trusted dental professional. Your local emergency dental care professional can diagnose and treat your issue, ensuring you receive the care you need to get back to good oral health. During your next appointment with the experienced team at River Oaks Dental of Deerwood, MN, you can rest assured that you will be treated with the urgency, respect, and care you and your family deserve, regardless of the situation.